Friday, 22 January 2021

Rickshaw and Air Pollution

 As you might have heard a term called “Global Warming.” The term itself carries its meaning (Global – Warming or warming of the earth.) This phenomenon leads to the change of seasons, as an example to it, we don’t feel the cold in winter seasons which we used to feel earlier, this is the result of global warming. The main reasons for its occurrence are the use of CFC gas (it was commonly used in refrigerators) and the other main reason is the pollution emitted out of vehicles.

Auto Rickshaw Drawing

But this emission of pollution is quite reduced in Auto Rickshaws. They use “CNG” as their main source of fuel, which doesn’t emit pollutants resulting in Global Warming. Making it safer on Earth. Thereby, Rickshaws are the most favourable means of transport. 

They not only save the environment by using CNG as the main source of fuel. But also provides cheap transport as well as employment to the nation. Along with cost-effectiveness these Auto Rickshaws need very little maintenance hence another less carbon emission to our planet. 

Nowadays the new and developed version of Auto Rickshaw is enjoying the Indian ride. These new Auto Rickshaws are powered by a battery and hence very minimal pollution and the result is the same.

Another benefit of battery-powered Auto rickshaws is that they are very economical in buying hence every poor person can buy it and enjoy their livelihood with pride. Maybe because of this reason many children show their affection to this vehicle by enjoying the video of How to draw auto rickshaw easy.

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Cricket and British Rule

 A sport which bears respect in the heart of every Indian. A sport with so many fan-followings in India, that no other sport has any chance to compete with it. Cricket is so popular in Asian countries that kids used to draw bat ball drawing before writing alphabets. You might find it ironic – that the national sport of India is hockey but the most beloved sport is cricket. Cricket is the most beloved sport in India and hockey is the most successful sport of India, as India has won 8 Olympic Gold Medals in Hockey.

Bat Ball Drawing

But cricket was not first invented or played in India. It was made by the United Kingdom or England. They became the first and foremost introducers to this sport. As many of you may know about the Britishers taking control over India for almost 200 years, ruining the entire economy of India, and giving it a setback for the future. Though I do accept that there were many negativities in the British, which the innocent Indians needed to face. But there were some good things which the Britishers introduced in India too. The Britishers introduced the system of Railways in India, as well as the method of Telegram, though it is not used now as the system is quite obsolete. And one of the most main and important things for Indians which the British introduced was “Cricket.” Beginning from small matches to participation in World Cups, India has shown that they don’t lack in any field. Cricket only had some varieties of tournaments in the beginnings. Then it spread to various varieties like – ODIs, Test matches, World Cups, T20s and other innovative methods which prevail in the streets of India.

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Republic Day and India

 A day is worth a lot of importance in a person’s life, especially and significantly in the life of an Indian. The day which fills all the Indian hearts full of respect and esteem for their country. The day which makes every Indian stand with a complete proud feeling for their country, this day is known as Republic day.

Republic day card making

A day whose start wasn’t the sweetest and easiest at all. With the Britishers forcing and making the economy go down the Hell. The Britishers making new laws and governing the country with their own will and strategy. Not showing a sign of mercy on the poor and innocent Indians, who could not convey their thoughts. Why was this so, because they were black or dark skinned? Or because they were too innocent to speak for their rights? But some people knew that this was wrong, and fought not for the sake for themselves but for the sake of the entire country. To make and arrange proper rights to all the citizens of the country. These great legends – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sarojini Naidu, Sachidanand Sinha and many others drafted the constitution of India, which will make a self-sustained India, completely free of foreign control. 

The constitution which we follow now, wasn’t built in a day. It took 2 years, 11 months and 17 days to make the constitution (almost 3 years.) Thereby, we must always respect our constitution and our country, because the independent and free India which we enjoy today was not the same before. It has been earned with a lot of effort. 

For this special day, Republic day card making is also in trend because kids of India celebrate this day and pay tribute to this special day in their own style. Get amazing republic day craft ideas through Craft Videos youtube channel. On this channel you will get different kinds of ideas related to republic day cards. My personal favorite is republic day drawing.

Jay Hind. Jay Bharat!

Monday, 4 January 2021

Childhood and Pikachu

 Pikachu is one name that is familiar to everyone. Kids are well aware of this name but parents also know about Pikachu and his cute face. Pikachu is the most famous pokemon and we can say that pikachu is the synonym of pokemon. When pikachu is playing on television, many parents do not dare to touch the remote.

Many kids are so fond of pikachu that they wanted to learn How to draw pikachu easy and for that reason they search for pikachu drawing videos on youtube. Drawing of pikachu is super easy as there are very few moves to draw. Search Drawing channel in the youtube and you will be able to see many pokemon based drawing.

How to draw Pikachu easy

Earlier kids are restricted to watch Pikachu because of television telecast timing. But now, thanks to youtube, kids can watch pikachu at any time as per their will and wish. Though with the advancement of technology, kids are now busy with many other things. One of the  most popular things among kids these days is mobile gaming. Pubg and Among us are the most famous games among kids.

Enjoy this Pikachu Drawing video and please share with your kids too.

Sunday, 3 January 2021

Makar Sankranti Celebration

The auspicious day of Makar Sankranti has a lot of importance in the hearts of Indian people. The day starts with early rising by people of all ages. Then you can’t be lazy on that day stating, “I don’t want to bath today”. It is compulsory for you to get ready in new clothes and have a good bath (my personal experience). Then the house-ladies cook something special for the entire family. The breakfast is usually light as there is a lot of activity in the entire day. After getting ready and completing one’s daily chores, the children can go out to fly kites, they are allowed to play the entire day. The adults spend their time gossiping with the family members. 

The children then come at lunch time to fill their stomachs. After having an exotic lunch, the children go away to fly their kites again or they watch makar sankranti drawing easy videos. The women after having lunch make laddus of sesame seeds (usually called “Tilche Laddu” in Maharashtra).

Makar Sankranti Drawing Easy

After spending a good time flying the kites, the children then fresh-up themselves, and get ready to get sweets from their neighbors. There is a tradition in Maharashtra, that the end of the day of Makar Sankrant, children can go to the doors of their neighbors and giving them the “Till Laddus” and getting sweets and blessing from them in return. When you go in anyone’s house, you greet them by stating “Till Gud ghya God God bola” meaning that, Eat these sweet laddus and speak sweetly with everyone! And with this the children and the families end their day with joy. :)

Hope you have a wonderful and prosperous Sankrant. Enjoy the below video of Makar Sankranti Drawing easy -